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Review 2023



祛魅 (disenchantment): Before I came Japan, I thought everything would be more or less same with those in animation, but I was wrong all the time.

Important Things

It’s not you get out of the place, you get out of the problem.

Finally, I ran, from CN to Japan. Even though, it’s not such a big matter. It’s more like simply living in a different place, but everything you know (care) stayed the same. Always checking news in CN, hanging out with CN friends and so on.



  • Sophie’s World
    • The Story of Story and Philosophy
  • The skinny on Success
    • When we talk about success, what we will talk about
  • How to invent everything
    • Breif history on Human Society Breaking Changes
  • Don’t sleep, there are snakes
    • The mystery of the UNKNOWN world
  • Hackers and Painters
    • The mindset to be a professional
  • 植物的战斗 (Chinese version)
    • How the hell did those plants live through this unfair world
  • The HOT ZONE
    • The most deadly virus(-es) in this world


  • 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命
    • the lily flower blossom
  • 江戸前エルフ
    • nostagia and respect of ol japanese culture


  1. Stay out of trouble
    1. Mind own business
    2. Stay nobody online
    3. Give no shit on politics and so-called patriotism education
  2. Keep connected
    1. This world is a matter of your-own-mindset
    2. The trap of being too stubborn


  1. Exercise: Stamina & Fit Body-Style
    1. GYM
    2. Running
    3. Swimming
  2. Reading: Focus on Topic Reading
    1. How to learn
    2. History
    3. Philosophy
    4. Textbook
  3. Learning
    1. 3, 4th language (EXAM)
    2. Financial (Invest)
  4. Travel
    1. Connect with the nature
    2. Show gratitude to those true artifacts
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Last updated on Dec 28, 2022 21:14 CST
The older I get, the more I realize that most of life is a matter of what we pay attention to, of what we attend to [with focus].
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