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Weekly Report 2024.02

Finish what you started

Why still pondering in the middle?



Lovely love comedy, and a story of redemption and growth.

In nowadays, what people lack most is the ability to love somebody proactively. Most of us are missing this close-relationship and always keep wishing and waiting.

If someone is グイグイ enough like the protagonist, then that one might be your prince on the white horse.



  • S3 is kinda the backbone of AWS
  • RDS Replication is ASYNC
  • RDS Multi-AZ is SYNC
  • HA is basically cross 3-AZ, up to 15 read-replicas


  • Focusing on learning AWS
  • Grats on not missing daily exercises
  • Finished one season of animation in one steak



从小吃不饱饭, 到吃饱饭了就开始干苦力, 干完苦力就开始打工, 打完工就老了, 老了还得干, 盖了那么多房子, 没有一间是属于他们自己的.


  • 我认为如果你有很强的自信, 相信自己的文化, 那么你就不需要仇外心理
  • 真正的爱国主义并不一定和种族主义有关
  • 在我看来, 种族主义总是你的爱国主义软弱的表现
  • 对我来说, 今天的爱国主义意味着我们为自己感到骄傲
  • 我们足够强大, 这就是为何我们已准备好帮助你们
  • 而不是, “你, 威胁到我们了”

How to read faster

  1. Remove your internal monologue
  2. Use a Visual Tracker
    1. tracking pen
  3. Have a read strategy
    1. The 80/20 percent Rule
  4. Summarize & Consolidate


How to type faster

  1. Short-Burst Typing Speed
  2. Syllables, not letters
  3. Practice Typing real sentences
  4. Prioritize Accuracy
  5. Know your keyboard shortcut



Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Jan 09, 2024 11:32 CST
The older I get, the more I realize that most of life is a matter of what we pay attention to, of what we attend to [with focus].
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