YOASOBI Haneda Zepp Live
First and best live ever.
nothing, I think
- bought a new iPhone to replace current se2
- after finish AWS courses, I didn’t know what’s next
- weekends? wasting time on Dota2 games, didn’t feel like doing anything
K8S Lessons
- use Kubernetes in the clouds
- deploy your entire Kubernetes-related infrastructure with code
- avoid overusing helm charts that you don’t fully control
- Kubernetes doesn’t like lift and shift
- you have to update the apps to be cloud-compatible
- avoid multiplying tools
- you must always define resource limits allocated to your pods
- think stateless
- configure HPA - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- don’t be afraid of change
- https://github.com/gunnarmorling/1brc/discussions/57
- sort 1 billion records in a file (by using the fastest method)
- mmap whole file, split it into slices (one per core), collect partial results and merge.
- https://blog.robertelder.org/how-to-make-a-cpu/
- image based, how to make a CPU
- https://hervekhg.medium.com/3-years-managing-kubernetes-clusters-my-10-lessons-b565a5509f0e