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Weekly Report 2024.27

always got something to blame

待你长到有能力拿起像本书《为什么长大》这样的书时, 你就已经知道了, 世界不是你的世界, 而你别无选择.


elden ring dlc

I didn’t think I really enjoyed this part of game, extremely hard for sure. So what I did was riding my horse and traveling around, and sometimes fought the boss with the help of other NPCs.

And the setting of the map was tricky as well, I had to check a lot of videos to know how to push the story and some side missions.


knowledge management



  • summer is right here right now, it seems impossible to live without the cooler (AC)
  • stay at home at weekend was a bad decision, one side is the electricity bill, another side is having-no determination to learn



  • https://m.okjike.com/originalPosts/6683eb9ff3005588e0e66373 - 学习的习惯
    • 初学一个领域,直接付费找业界领头人物的指导或者课程,比起自己收集各类资料,花时间去摸索效率更高
    • 给自己定下足够 SMART 的目标 (长期目标、阶段性目标)
    • 采用指读法来读书,通过物理集中的方式,避免读书走神,提高专注度和阅读效率
    • 整理出自己的知识体系框架 (输出、制作一门课程)
    • 能用环境解决的,就不要轻易动用自己的意志力
    • 每天写日记,思考今天的不足和收获,后续如何改进,哪怕只是写写自己的情绪感受,疏散一些负面的影响,也是一件非常有价值的事情。
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Jan 09, 2024 11:32 CST
The older I get, the more I realize that most of life is a matter of what we pay attention to, of what we attend to [with focus].
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