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Weekly Report 2024.31

consistency is the key, again

Consistency is key, fair enough. But feedback is much more important, otherwise the action will only be self-satisfication.


Fallout (TV Serial)

Those transitions of the story was quite awkard to watch, it was too easy to notice the scene and the setting was planned.

The story was based on Fallout (the game), and it’s about different ways of living of different classes. And our world were in the hands of others, it may end with absolutely no reason.


gossip protocol

a primary use of gossip is for information diffusion: some event occurs, and our goal is to spread the world.

  • to prevent possible network workload flood -> only send bounded message to fixed-size peers
  • security audit -> (cassandra) client authentication, TLS, crc check (message protocol)
  • data query quorum level


  • hot days continued
  • it’s Japan after all, you lived with yourself
  • even though there were 花火大会, you just couldn’t find yourself any reason to go
  • home-made 焼肉 was good enough for me, much cheaper than 食べ放題



  • the leetcode trick to make the array from [0,0,0] to the target array (with the same length), as you can make incremental/decremental change to any subarray. the solution is quite simple, sum up all the incremental differences between pairs
def maxSteps(arr: List[int]) -> int:
  return sum(max(y-x, 0) for x,y in pairwise([0]+arr+[0]))


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Last updated on Aug 04, 2024 11:32 CST
The older I get, the more I realize that most of life is a matter of what we pay attention to, of what we attend to [with focus].
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