Well, guess I don’t get the chance to the magical mirai 2024.
Star Rail - Percony
It’s really a long story, spent me nearly two days just to finish it. (not mentioning preparation for the boss fight). And I didn’t get the ending, why I had to fight the final boss twice, and what is the space between reality and dream.
When people got power in hands, they always started to think for all human-race, and made decisions for them.
The nudge
The false assumption is that almost all people, almost all the time, make choices that are in their best interest or at the very least are better than the choices that would be made by someone else. We claim that this assumption is false—indeed, obviously false. In fact, we do not think that anyone actually believes it on reflection.
- spent all three day-vacation on relaxation and playing, eh?
- swimming was really a good way to exercise and know your (current)limit
- karaoke was fun, but singing was also a skill which needed to delibrate practice
- Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that’s why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg
- https://m.okjike.com/originalPosts/66aef77d59d1a984c66a9a8d
- 高手上来就用真诚待人他们不是傻,而是在用真诚,淘汰那些不同频的人。
- 哪怕被超越,也是一种反馈,说明自己还有提升空间,或者对方有值得学习的地方,那么又有了新的动力。
- https://ntietz.com/blog/til-uses-for-the-different-uuid-versions/
- You’ll usually be picking between two of them: v4 or v7. There are also some occasions to pick v5 or v8.