I got the ticket to magical mirai 2024 🎉.
Black myth wukong
It’s time-consuming to play the game through, so I did watch the montage version of the whole story, not bad, I thought this one was a good adaptation of the journey to the west but with the same old theme, to rebel for freedom or accept the 紧箍咒 to live a normal
may be next time.
- it’s my first time to be inside a night club, maybe it’s not its usual style, but my first impression was boring, nothing was really interesting enough to have fun or what, and the dancers were some kind of npcs inside GTA game
- and the Night hike event was somehow disappointing, or it’s me who couldn’t understand the art-style of all this; but the set-list of IOWA was very good, with Blue Archive and Gakuen Idol reference, people were getting so high.
- https://tommihovi.com/2024/05/demystifying-cookies-and-tokens/
- Cookies are small text files that are created by the websites (web servers) you visit and stored in your device.
- code is easy, it’s the logic behind the code that is complex. (algorithm and data structure)
- programmer level up (career ladder) - soft skills
- https://www.developing.dev/p/faang-career-ladder-mid-level-l4
- influence the team to take goals on improving it together
- build a process for everyone to make the team’s oncall better
- drives team planning, and build a roadmap
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoiiBM00GQ8 - 黑神话悟空技术评测:PS5 和 PC 优化如何?精美画面是怎么做的?
- the visual metrics inside a video game and PS5 version current experience
- https://m.okjike.com/originalPosts/66c30b646f3cfe34540dab54 - 逆行人生
- 一群名利双收的演员,想象中产阶级的恐惧,扮演劳动人民的艰苦。
- 电影将这种极端赤贫——同时包括物质和精神上——所致的悲哀与残酷,生搬硬套到城市中产的失业影响里,除了强行煽情之外,看不到任何智力活动的影子,生离死别是重型武器,动不动就拿到拌嘴场景里用,只会变得廉价且矫饰。
- 画鬼容易画犬难,外卖小哥在生活里的活跃频率太高了,反而没了艺术塑造的想象空间,稍不留神就会露出人工痕迹,纵使做足功课,仍然尽是皮套。
- “No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story.” - Daniel Kahneman