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Weekly Report 2024.41

know your restrictions



TLOU part1

这算是二次重制的版本? 基本上属于是白送的奖杯, 既有官方修改器, 亦有 PSPlus 的全程 guide, 整体感受相当不错, 也是近些年游戏的特色了吧, 为了迎合大多数玩家, 摒弃了以往的硬核姿态. 最近其实也买了 PS3 版本的 TLOU 初版, 游戏内容确实没有太多差距, 但奖杯的设置难度截然不同, 需要高难度通关 3 次, 且还需要花大量的时间完成联机内容; 而就现在而言, 已经是无法完成了, PS3 的联机基本上停止服务了. (或许是港服账号、日服游戏的原因?)


  • 情报 security 相关内容


  • 以前总是会想应然跟实然; 实际上, 应然跟实然本身就有很多种诠释
  • 周末在东京跟大学时代认识的老乡见了一面, 双方的变化都蛮小的, 只不过, 婚后的男士, 连个吃饭自由都没有了


You are under no obligation to remain the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even a day ago. You are here to create yourself, continuously.

  • Richard Feynman
  • One of the best secrets of a happy life is the art of extracting comfort and sweetness from every circumstance.


learning 101 - The untaught basics

University of Glasgow

common learning impediments:

  • having a fixed mindset
  • the failure to engage ‘yourself’ in learning
  • the failure to manage time
  • failing to realize that faipling is key
  • failing to realize that learning is social
  • being a learning monogamist
  • not learning how to learn


  • testing/retrieval practice as a learning tool
    • by supporting recall, the retention of knowledge is enhanced
    • by enhancing self-awareness, learners become more aware of their mental processes and can better understand what they do and do not know
    • by putting learners in controlled adversity, important non-cognitive skills such as resilience and grit can be developed
  • spaced learning and interleaving
  • aiming for mastery


Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Jan 09, 2024 11:32 CST
The older I get, the more I realize that most of life is a matter of what we pay attention to, of what we attend to [with focus].
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