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Weekly Report 2023.02

Gaming is Fun




Tiny Tina’s wonderland

整体还算有趣吧,虽然也玩了接近 20 个小时了,但是好像也还是没对这个游戏有太多的了解,或者说核心的玩法;印象比较深刻的就是支线任务很长,多数都是 rearrange 了那些耳熟能详的「童话」故事;作为无主之地的忠实玩家,看到前作里的故事人物以一种奇妙的角色扮演的方式出现在这款作品,当然也不得不露出一丝耐人寻味的微笑。




完成 count+=1 至少需要三条 CPU 指令:

  1. 首先,需要把变量 count 从内存加载到 CPU 寄存器
  2. 之后,在寄存器中执行 +1 操作
  3. 最后,将结果写入内存 (缓存机制导致可能写入的是 CPU 缓存,而不是内存)

操作系统做任务切换,可以发生在任何一条CPU 指令执行完,而不是高级语言里的一条语句。




2022 年,不考虑疫情的话,应该还是比较积极向上的,读书和学习计划也都有做,去实施,总的来说,过的很「苦」,没有太多娱乐可言。【虽然,也没啥成果】


虚无缥缈的「很大程度上,可能会 GG」未来,不稀罕了。






- 乔治·奥威尔


22 Lessons Learned in 2022

  1. Hug your loved ones like it might be the last time you see them
    1. 珍惜当下的相处时光
  2. Your entire life can change with one year of focused daily effort
    1. 能坚持做一件事情,本身就是一件了不起的事情
  3. Most of your friends aren’t really your friends
    1. 有些你以为的朋友,仅仅只是熟人
    2. 与在学校相处比较好的同学一样
    3. 你的朋友跟我的朋友,不太一样
  4. If you think something nice about someone, always tell them right then
    1. 谁会讨厌来自别人的赞赏呢
    2. 经常赞赏别人,也是在锻炼自己的「火眼金睛」
  5. Never think twice about investments in yourself
    1. 投资自己总不会赔本吧
    2. Books
    3. Quality Food
    4. Fitness
    5. Mental Health
    6. Personal Development
    7. Enrich Experiences
  6. Reading one book deeply is more impressive than reading 100 books quickly
    1. 需要深入学习的时候,肯定需要把一本书吃透
  7. Most people don’t actually care about you
    1. 吃饱撑的
    2. 要不就是,有所企图
  8. Regret is way more painful than failure
    1. 挨了大板才知道,不该犯错
  9. Never let the quest for MORE distract from the beauty of ENOUGH
    1. 知足常乐
  10. Learn to enjoy being wrong
    1. 成长者心态
  11. Walking more will change your life
    1. 身体健康 - 心理健康
  12. Your habits put you in a position where luck is more likely to strike
    1. 好的习惯,好的运气
  13. Attach your definition of success to things that are within your control
    1. 你成功了,你就成功了
  14. Focusing on process over prize leads to more and better prizes
    1. 那什么,旅途中的见闻,就是最大的财富
  15. Glorify the RIGHT things
    1. Sleep 8 hours
    2. Regular physical activity
    3. Unstructured schedules with free time
    4. Working in short, creative sprints
    5. Spending time with family and friends
  16. No is a powerful word
    1. 学会说不
  17. Adopt an abundance mindset
    1. 少看还缺什么,关注已经有了什么
  18. If someone tries to put down your accomplishments or make you feel small, cut them out of your life
    1. 不必忍受来自别人的看不起
  19. We all need more intellectual sparring partners
    1. 站在同一水平,讨论问题的「对手」很重要
  20. If you want to improve at anything, do it for 30 minutes per day for 30 straight days
    1. 30-30 策略,小任务,大目标
  21. Never take advices from people on the sidelines
    1. 局外人,雾里看花
    2. 自己,看山是山即可
  22. You don’t need to have an opinion on everything
    1. 小人物的一个大优点就是,nobody gives any shit on your opinion
    2. 别太瞧得起自己咯


Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Jan 15, 2023 18:44 CST
The older I get, the more I realize that most of life is a matter of what we pay attention to, of what we attend to [with focus].
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